I am not a procrastinator. When I do. Procrastinate. I end up having nightmares about it. What I need to do. But blown up exponentially.
Yesterday. My daughter pointed out the sign in our bay window. One of those framed, ribbed- black felt ones that you put letters into. Making words. Phrases.
"Mom. Really? 'Tidings of comfort... joy'? It's missing something. And it's way past Christmas."
She's right. The ampersand disappeared long before Christmas. When it fell on the floor. And the dog ate it.
For some reason. I have looked at it. Read it. Thought about changing it like I usually do. But I didn't. I. Procrastinated. So here it is. Almost the end of March. And my Christmas phrase is still there. In the window. Even though the Christmas decorations have been in the black and yellow bins. For many weeks now.
But today. The Monday of spring break. I sit in the quiet house. The only light from the flames in the fire place and the blind-slatted windows. Gray. Dismal clouds behind those slats. Rain falling. Again. Sipping my coffee. Relishing in the momentary calm. I read those words. Tidings. Comfort. Joy.
Could it have only been three months ago God placed on my heart to write about those words? Could it have only been three months ago we sat in this same room ,with my mom, in matching pajamas, laughing and rolling around on the floor? Could it have been only three months ago we said good-bye to one decade and welcomed a new? Could it?
In the last few weeks. Me. My family. Like everyone else is this town. State. Country. World. Had a new normal thrust upon us. All of us. Words. Like social distancing. Essential jobs and place and people. Quarantine. Sights. Such as empty grocery shelves. Empty streets. Empty schools. A new normal. None of us ever thought would be a part of this new decade. None of us every dreamed would be a part of our lives. Ever.
So. This not-so-old sign. Missing a piece. With its outdated phrase. Really is not so outdated at all.
Tidings of comfort...joy. Isn't that what we really need right now? Tidings. News. To comfort. Offer peace. Joy. Better than happiness. More enduring than happiness. Lasting and strong regardless of circumstances.
Just like so long ago. When angels and shepherds were in the fields. In the night. And tidings and comfort and joy were brought to this small town. To save a nation. To save the world. He. Jesus. Still brings us tidings of comfort and joy. If we listen. If we stop. Freeze. Pause from the panic and the fear and the news and all the things that are so very loud right now. Can we can hear it? Do you hear it?
Nothing. Height nor depth nor angels nor principalities not things PRESENT or things TO COME. Could ever separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). He will NEVER leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He is before all things and in Him all things hold together (Col. 1:17).
He is right here with us. Right in the middle. Of the social distancing. And empty grocery shelves. Of testing kits. And virtual classrooms. Of sickness. And flattening out the curve.
He saw this coming. Even if we didn't. He sees us now. Even if it feels silent. He is with us. In the middle of it all. In the middle of this new normal.
I write this. Sitting in the calm. With the muted light. Coffee now cold. Out-dated but not- so-much sign. Which now brings a smile to my face. Praising. He is here. With me. With you. With us. Holding us together. If we chose to listen. To look. To see Him.